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plant science conference 2019
plant science conference 2019
Plant Science Conference 2019
Robert Redden
RJR Agriculture Consultants, Australia
Sehrish Iftikhar
Elvesys Microfluidics Innovation Center, France
Marta Elva Ramirez Guzman
Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico
Abobatta W. F
Agriculture Research Center, Egypt
Philip Larkin
CSIRO Agriculture & Food, Australia
Rainer Wiechers
Rainer Wiechers, InBuTecS GmbH, Germany
Boualem HARFI
Biotechnology Research Center (C.R.Bt – Constantine), ALGERIA
C.A. Jayaprakas
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, India
İskender TİRYAKİ
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey
Andrea Copetta
CREA – Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Italy
Claudio F. Gonzalez
IFAS University of Florida, USA
Javier Gil Humanes
Calyxt Inc., USA
Rao Mylavarapu
IFAS University of Florida, USA
Subhash C. Minocha
University of New Hampshire, USA
List of Conferences
Plant Science Conference 2019